When I paint, I paint! And when it is fun...well I share! Sent to my amazing daughter for her birthday and she shared on her Facebook page. Of course, she is more than a daughter to her many followers and that, my friends, is how I network - sort of! Check it out at Dr. Vanessa Lapointe. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO
And, again, I presented the best little painting around to my daughter. It was inspired by her vision and now her life work: a clinic called The Wishing Star that helps so many young children and their parents find their way as well as a very prominent and popular speaker and author.

The Naked Leaf Tea store in Calgary Alberta chose my painting, The Wishing Star, for a new label that was featured on their teas. If you are in Calgary, head over to this Kensington shop and get your tea packaged in a memorable tin. Can also be ordered online. These labels sold out at Christmas!! Happy! Time limited permission but....friendly souls may print on request.