It's a New Dawn; It's a New Day; It's a New Life
Spring is filled with beginnings: new outlooks, new choices; new paths of discovery. That can be exciting or overwhelming or both. I am...

Do You Have a Style...Yet?
I have been painting in some form or another for 9 years. When I started I was gobsmacked by the number of talented artists in the...

When a Painting Sells
This painting sold last week (The Shades of Winter 40" x 30") - just a few weeks after I painted it. It was a heart painting - one that...

Christmas Countdown
What a great season! In these special times, Christmas is still filled with an incredible amount of joy mixed into the memories and...

Five Days in to my Thirty-Day Challenge
Oh so much fun! Oh so much work. Taking a writing escape from my painting obsession! I am like a dog with a bone - I won't let it go even...

Revving It Up: My 30-Day Challenge
With a great deal of time on my hands and the constant search to keep busy no matter what, I have pushed my painting practice from a...

Two Brains
I always knew I had a conflict of dominance between my right and left brain. Always tending more towards the left I let my right brain...

What's Up and Where Do I Fit In?
I am constantly roaming the highways and byways but mostly my own neighbourhood, looking for inspiration. Reference photos fill my Camera...

The Great Discard Pile in the Sky
It was a toss up! Have you ever been there? Hours into a painting something is off. This was my most recent craziness of when is enough...

Artist Musings: Five Reasons Why I Shared This Blog
Six years ago I would have laughed at any suggestion that I would pick up a paint brush and paint a picture, market that picture and...