Revving It Up: My 30-Day Challenge
Updated: Feb 21, 2023

With a great deal of time on my hands and the constant search to keep busy no matter what, I have pushed my painting practice from a creative outlet to just focusing on getting something done. Puts quite a damper on the creative joy. Oh, I know, there is a lot of work in the prep and planning for any given painting. And I know there is much to learn about the "how" of painting on YouTube and multiple other sources. And, now I know that I can get stuck in the plethora of choices and forget to paint!!
I decided to challenge myself to just paint. Not without focus but without judgement. In other words, let go of the "masterpiece" ideal and embrace what is inside of me. So here it goes!
STEPS (Because that is the way my brain thinks):
1. Clear out my space - all those partially finished pieces that keep draining my time and energy - on to the shelves! I don't know about you, but there are times in my relationship with my paintings that I kind of want a divorce from them - or maybe it is just a timeout!
2. Get my supplies. Buy 30 canvases or boards or something to be sure I don't get stopped by lack of materials. Oh - and include some paint that is likely going to be in my palette every day! Easier said than done in these times! I trolled the dollar stores (X 3) and found only five canvases that met the required small dimensions more or less. Not to be defeated, I fast tracked to the last shop on the list that was open during this pandemic and carried craft material. I think everyone else is also creating with their kids or on their own judging by the shortage! I landed with trepidation and - YES - 20 small canvas boards on the shelf. That in addition to my recent purchases and the three I had at home to begin with and I had 30. CHECK!
3. Establish DAY ONE and START!
4. Oh, and share on your blog!
Each day of my challenge I will post the painting in its imperfect form and talk a little about my focus that day on Facebook. I will share the reference photo also. Yikes! I accept not all will be GREAT; and some will be AWFUL;, but, somewhere in this practice I hope that a few will turn out and teach me where I want to go next.
Come along for the ride if you like. It's always more fun with a few friends sharing their experiences!